Learning & Development
Our tagline Learn, Implement, Grow, reflects our belief in fostering a culture of continuous development. We are committed to investing in our employees, helping them enhance their current performance while preparing for the challenges of tomorrow.
We commenced with a focused D&I journey in 2022 to build an inclusive and a safe workplace by establishing a core D&I team and appointing a dedicated council.
Our ‘Acquire, Engage, Grow’ framework drives gender and talent diversity in the organisation’s ecosystem. Our tagline #WayToBe empowers us to make diversity a reality and not just a goal.

Moving the diversity needle through strategic hiring
- Focus on Hiring
- Targeted Approach
- Referral Programs
- Special Drives
At Bajaj Technology Services, we celebrate not just milestones, but the moments that bring us closer as a team.
We believe in creating a workplace where employees feel connected, valued, and inspired. Our employee engagement programs bring people together through vibrant celebrations, from cultural events to fun and team-building initiatives.